Tuesday, August 24, 2010

All Good Things Must Come To An End

Wow! It's been a crazy summer, which has gone by so fast. It's hard to believe it's almost over. It seems like just yesterday we were gearing up for the beginning of summer and meeting all our new 6th grade students, and now they are core members of Crash. This summer has been incredible. We saw a movie, went to camp, cooked hot dogs for a fund raiser, stayed up all night during a lock-in and even made it out to the beach. It's like the saying goes, "All good things must come to an end..."

But I have good news, it's not quite over yet. Join us tomorrow night as Crash has a blast at Boomers. We're going to meet there from 5-8PM and get an unlimited ride bracelet. All you need to do is be there at 5 and bring $20. That's it. It's going to be so much fun! It's definitely not something you're going to want to miss out on.

Before you head back to school, with the free time you have left, use some of that time and take me up on one of my deals. To remind you all here are the running deals I have with you students:

1. Memorize and recite ALL the books of the Bible.

2. Memorize and recite ALL of Psalm 139.

3. Memorize and recite ALL of Psalm 100.

4. Memorize and recite Philippians 2:1-11

All of these deals do have to do with memorization, but the reward is sweet- a 2 liter bottle of whatever soda you want. So get studying and memorizing, and I hope to see you all at Boomers tomorrow night at 5.

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