Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Everyone's Two Cents Is Not Worth The Same

Just about everyone has an opinion on everything. If someone has thought about it, then they have an opinion on it. Because everyone has an opinion, and each opinion is different, it can be hard to figure out who's opinion or advice to listen to... or even if you should listen to any one's advice at all. Sometimes people offer advice because they actually want to help. But other times people offer advice for various reasons which may or may not help you. Sometimes people will back stab and manipulate others by giving them bad advice so they can "get ahead" in life.

Sometimes people will offer advice because they're bored and want to see something happen or see how something will play out. For instance, last week I was talking to a security guard at a middle school where I volunteer. He told me that 9 times out of 10, the fights that break out in middle school is not because of hatred or conflict, but it's because their friends told them to. This is how it usually goes down, something will happen between 2 students, not something to fight about, but just something. Then the student's friends and onlookers will coax, jeer, and encourage them to fight for whatever reason. But ultimately the reason they want their friend to fight is because they want to see a fight. You can see their friend's advice is terrible, but they learn that the hard way.

It can be so hard to figure out who to listen to, who's advice to take. You need to carefully and closely decide who to listen to, because you can't just listen to anyone. Always remember, it's best to see peace rather than a fight, and above all, remember to ask God for not only advice, but wisdom and guidance as well. All junior high students are welcome to join me at Crash as we look at 2 Samuel 8-10 and read about what happened when someone took bad advice and attacked the Israelites for really no reason at all.

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