Tuesday, October 5, 2010

It's The Law...

Laws and rules are good. They help keep people respectful and safe. They help guide us in how to live properly and in peace. They are written down and enforced, so everyone knows, understands and follows the same laws. 'Don't steal', 'don't murder', even 'don't speed'; these are good laws that keep us safe and living in peace with each other. Most laws are good, but there are some that seem to be crazy, and less important than others.

Throughout the world there are some strange laws. In Venice, Italy, there is a law that says you can't feed pigeons and another in Rome, Italy that says you can't climb into a fountain. In Canada, they have a law against paying for things over $10 in only coins. In both France and England you cannot kiss someone at the train station. In Moscow, you can't drive a dirty car (at this moment if I were living in Moscow, I'd get a ticket). In Granada, you can't leave the beach and stroll around the city in a swimsuit. In Denmark, you must drive with your headlights on at all times. Lastly, you'll be fined in Singapore if you feed the birds, spit, chew gum or forget to flush public toilets. These laws seem ridiculous and stupid. They seem like they shouldn't even be laws. Does this mean they are less important than others?

We tend to think of laws in terms of degrees or ranking, "This law is more important to follow then that one." Or, "I may have broken a law, but I didn't break THAT law..."

So, which ARE the more important laws? Which are the laws we should follow, and which are the ones we don't need to worry about? Seriously, what do you think? Join us tomorrow night at Crash, as we look at and understand the single law that Jesus thought was the most important.

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