Tuesday, October 26, 2010

A Spokesman For God

Who is your favorite spokesperson? What do they endorse? Do you buy what they endorse? What is a spokesperson anyway?

A spokesperson, is someone who is authorized to speak on behalf of another person, organization, or group of people. They endorse the product, meaning they tell everyone this is what they themselves use, and everyone else should use it too.

Spokespeople tend to be athletes, movie stars, or famous people. They get paid to use and endorse various products. A spokesperson represents the product they endorse. Company's think that if they have someone who is cool using their product, then their product will be thought of as cool. People view the product by how they view the spokesperson. If the spokesperson is annoying, then people will think the product is annoying. If the spokesperson is cool, then people will think the product is cool, and buy it.

Did you know that as Christians we are kind of like spokespeople for God. Paul says that "We are therefore Christ's ambassadors, as though God were making His appeal through us." When people think of God, they inevitably think of Christians. How Christians act, is how other people believe God acts. Join us this Wednesday at Crash as we continue to look at the role and relationship of a spokesmen to it's product and how we, as Christians, are spokespeople, representatives, ambassadors of God.

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