Thursday, October 14, 2010

When I Became A Christian

In honor of my birthday on Wednesday (Oct. 20), I'll be answering some questions about me. The questions are, "How old were you when you became a Christian?" & "How did you learn about Christianity?" & "Why did you choose to be a Christian instead of other religions?"

I've been a Christian literally my whole life. I love God SO MUCH that Christian is my middle name. Really it is! But it's not because I love God (even though I do very much). My middle name comes from a great grandpa of mine. But in all seriousness. I became a Christian very early on. I was raised in a Christian home, meaning everyone in my immediate family was a Christian. I grew up going to church every Sunday, and was involved with many Bible studies growing up.

Specifically, I don't remember my age when I asked Jesus to come in my heart and be my savior and friend. It was before 3rd grade, so I was about 7 years old. I had learned in Sunday school about asking Jesus to come into your heart. They had invited who ever wanted to, to raise their hand and pray. I had not a clue what it meant, so I didn't do it. But when I got home, I was still thinking about it. I remember being in my room, folding my clothes with my mom. I asked her what it meant. She explained to me that Jesus was God and loved me very much. But the bad things I did, made it so I couldn't be friends with God. Because He loved me, and wanted to be friends with me, He took the punishment for my sins, so that we would be friends. All I had to do was believe, pray and ask Jesus to be my friend and savior.

Growing up, I always went to Sunday school, camps, Bible studies and youth groups. That was where I learned about the LORD, and what it means to be a Christ-follower (Christian). I even went to Biola University (a Christian Bible college), where I learned even more about God. I couldn't get enough. I can't get enough. In the now 26 years I've been alive, I've learned that there is always going to be more to learn about God. Quite frankly, I'm OK with that.

Why I became a Christian then, and am still a Christian to this day is because it's the only thing that seems real, reasonable and true. Looking back, I can see God's hand. I can see then when He was guiding me, teaching me, loving me, and giving me wisdom and peace. Although I can't feel Him all the time, because of my past experiences, I know that I can trust Him, when I read that He will always be with me & that He loves me.

So to answer the questions, "How old were you when you became a Christian? How did you learn about Christianity? Why did you choose to be a Christian instead of other religions?" I'd say Christian is my middle name. I grew up being a Christian. I learned about it from those closest to me: my family, my teachers, pastors, and college professors, and my friends. I'm still a Christian today, because it's the only thing that makes sense. I must get punished for the bad things I do, and it's a punishment I could never take. So God, because He loves me, chose to get punished in my place, so that He can be my friend.

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