Thursday, January 6, 2011

My New Year's Resolutions

New year's resolutions, they're those promises you make to yourself. They are your personal goals for the new year. People make them at the beginning of the year, so that they will have the whole year to try to accomplish them. Most people end up forgetting about them or stop trying to accomplish them after only a couple months.

"But this year is different, I'm actually going to do it this time." This is what we always think, every year. But I want to tell you, this year IS different. It feels different. I am excited for 2011, and this year I AM going to accomplish my new years resolutions. To prove it to you, I'm going to list them for you all to read, so you can help remind me. At the end of this year, I'll go back over this post, and tell you all what I was able to accomplish, and what I wasn't... that is, if I don't forget.

1. Lose some weight (I think this is one that will always be on every ones list until the end of time...)
2. Read through all of the Chronicles of Narnia
3. Read a total of 15 books
4. At least every other week, meet someone different at Desert Springs Church whom I've never met
5. Go out of my way to meet new people in my community
6. Find adults at Desert Springs who love God, love students and can help out in Crash.
7. Play local league sports
8. Take a dance class
9. Go to sleep earlier and wake up earlier
10. Go golfing at least twice.

What are your new years resolutions?


  1. Hi Cameron, I love reading your blog. It's great to see how you are growing. God is using you in mighty ways. You are a man after God's own heart. I will help keep you accountable on your New Year's Goals. Love Mom.

  2. My list is a little shorter, lose 10-15 lbs, check. (now I have to maintain this weight all year). Read through the Bible in a year, which I am still on pace (with a lot to go). Reduce our debt by $50k. I think the sports rec league is a great idea. Softball or volleyball are good ones. That's a great way to meet people.
