Tuesday, February 1, 2011


When I was growing up I couldn't sit still. It was hard for me to focus on one thing, without becoming quickly distracted. This drove my mom crazy. The chores she gave me would go unfinished if she did not keep on me. See, I would get about halfway through a job and then become distracted. In fact, frequently my mom would jokingly call me "Half-A-Job." As much as I resented the nick-name, it was true. I wouldn't see the job to full completion, or if I did, it would be rushed and not done right. My mom would tell me to go do it again. It didn't matter what excuse I gave her, the reality of it was, it was an excuse. I had disobeyed my mother. I had not done what she asked me.

Eventually I grew out of this phase. I am pleased to say, my mom doesn't call me "Half-A-Job" anymore. And I am so thankful she decided to work with me, and give me chance after chance (hey, I was a child trying to learn). This Wednesday at Crash, we're going to study someone who also frequently did half a job, only he was an adult, who should have known better... a king in fact! Yes, King Saul disobeyed God, on many occasions. He didn't seem to understand what he was doing wrong. Moreover, his attitude showed that he really didn't care. Junior high students are welcome to join us as we read through 1 Samuel 13-15 and look at Saul's half a job disobedience.