Friday, February 11, 2011

Who Adam Begot

Recently, one of my lessons led us to Luke 4, which is the account of when Jesus was tempted in the desert. It was during this lesson that one of my students happened to glance at Luke 3:38, the verse that proceeds Luke 4:1. She noticed that it said, "...the son of Seth, the son of Adam, the son of God." "But didn't Adam only have 2 sons, Cain & Abel? So who Seth?!" She asked me, "Do we know anything about Seth?" So that is the question that I will attempt to answer today, "Who is Seth?"

The Bible itself explains who Seth was, but not much about him is revealed. What we do know from reading the Bible is this all found in Genesis 4:25-26 & 5:3-8. Seth is the 3rd son of Adam & Eve, however in the family trees he's listed as the first born. He's considered the first born because Abel was murdered by Cain, who, as a result, was banished and alienated. Eve gave Seth his name probably because it means "granted" and was overjoyed that God had granted her another son after Abel & Cain.

In Luke we see that it's through Seth (not Cain or Abel) that Adam is in the direct family line with Jesus Christ. When Seth was 105 years old, he had a son and named him Enosh (which means man, or human, like Adam). It was also during Seth's life that his family began to pray and follow God.

So that is who Seth is. I'm glad that I could answer that question. Remember, if you have any other questions, please feel free to drop them in the, "I Wonder" box at Crash. I hope to see you all on Sunday.

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