Wednesday, May 4, 2011

I Am My Father's Son

I love my father. He is awesome! He taught me how to play sports, how to mow the lawn, how to hug & how to love. I am proud to have his name as one of my middle names. When you look at it, it's not hard to see how much I am like my father, not just in looks, but in interests, mannerisms, and thoughts.

It's funny to actually look at how many things I have in common with my dad. Things that I didn't even realize before. For instance, in high school I was on the wrestling team all 4 years. I got into wrestling because a friend of mine suggested it. I really enjoyed wrestling & I wasn't half bad either. Well low and behold long after I had been wrestling, I learned that my dad had wrestled in high school too.

Think about you and your parents. How similar are you? We hear stories of people who never wanted to turn into their parents, but eventually they start quoting their parents. We are more like our parents than we'd probably like to admit; in the good ways, and, unfortunately if we're not careful, the bad as well. Those things that tempted our parents will probably tempt us as well. We study history so that we can learn from the mistakes of our past. We need to talk to our parents so we can learn from their mistakes. I'd like to invite all junior high students to come to Crash tonight. Tonight we'll be reading 2 Samuel chapters 13-14, and looking at David's sons and how they made the same mistakes their father did.

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