The theme this year is SeekerMania. It's all about drawing near to God. Our theme verse is Hebrews 10:22, "Let us draw near to God with a sincere heart in full assurance of faith, having our hearts sprinkled to cleanse us from a guilty conscience and having our bodies washed with pure water." We have been learning that, "The time is always right, and the path is always clearto pray and draw closer to God." This idea of drawing near to God correlates with a series of passages in Matthew 6:5-7:23. First Jesus teaches us how to pray. Then He talks about where we should store up our treasures. After that He talks about not worrying what's going to happen and to just trust Him. Then He talks about not judging others. Lastly Jesus talks about who we should make sure we are connected to, comparing us and Himself to branches and a tree (respectively).
I am so encouraged to see SO many students, both, junior high and high school, volunteering to make this week a success. And you're all volunteering in various areas, Games, Wow, Toons, Snacks, Jr. crew leaders, and some of you leading a crew. It's great to see you all showing you area part of this church and investing in the lives of people even younger than you.
Tonight we are heading into night 3 and things so far have been fantastic! I have been leading the games with an awesome array of volunteers, including my co-leader & partner in crime, Mr. Greg T.T. Jackson (pictured above). I definitely could not do it without all of you wonderful volunteers. Thank you so much!
Today is Crazy Hair Day, so I must go and get my hair all crazied up. Remember there is no Crash tonight, but you can still come out and volunteer. So I hope to see all of you here.
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