Tuesday, May 11, 2010

Paid For By The Self-Control Council...

Youth are always told, "Don't have sex! It's bad!". But what's the big deal? It's just sex, right? What does it mean anyway? Last week we learned that we should flee from sexual immorality (sin) and pursue purity. OK, but does that mean we can never experience sex?

It's not that sex is bad. God made sex feel good. He created us to enjoy it, but only in the right context. He created us to have sex inside the context of marriage. Genesis 2:24 says, "For this reason a man will leave his father and mother and be united to his wife, and they will become one flesh." Sex is in a sense, the outward expression of the inward reality- that the husband and wife love each other, and are committed only to each other for life, the two are united.

Sometimes it seems like a messed up joke: God creates you to enjoy sex and then tells you, you can't do it. What's up with that? Why is sex before marriage so bad? Join us tomorrow night as we continue looking at the question, "Why Is It So Bad?" and explore the context in which God intended sex to be experienced, and why.

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