Tuesday, May 25, 2010

The Wisdom Of Others

An old mentor once told me when you're in ministry, before you make any big decisions... "seek the wisdom of others." This has been great advice. There are things that I don't understand, perspectives I haven't seen, and ideas that I haven't thought of. See when we seek the wisdom of others we grow, and learn things the easy way, instead of having to learn it the hard way.

I see myself doing that now. I go to Pastor Mark or Pastor Tom when I have a question about the Bible or ministry. I go to my parents when I have a question about the important things in life, and my friends for the less important things. It's all so I can make the best choice.

This week in Crash we are going to have some invited guests, some adults who have lived and grown and gained wisdom through their experience. These adults will be a part of a panel, who will be answering questions and passing on their wisdom to you. They will be sharing from their lives what they have learned about how to love God and how to love people- practically. This is all so that you can grow, and learn and make the best choice for your life. I want to encourage all Jr. High students to join us tomorrow night as we ask questions and seek to the wisdom of others.


  1. who are the adults that are coming?
    hannah.y. <3

  2. Awesome adults who I know, love and respect... lol Come on Wednesday and you'll find out. =)

  3. is the design for the shirt going to be # 2?
    Hannah.y. <3

  4. I think it's going to be #2. It's getting more votes.
