Tuesday, May 4, 2010

It's A Direction

Many teens, when talking about sex, ask the question, "How far is too far?" In their minds, it seems to be a fair question. Many people tell them, "Just don't have sex." They draw a line in the sand. So naturally, human nature takes over, and they try to get as close to the line as they can, without actually going over. Which going back to the question, might make sense to ask. They think, "well this isn't sex, so it must be alright..." This thinking leads them into trouble.

Purity is not a line you can get close to, or even a line at all. That would make things too easy, "just don't do this, and I'm good." That's not how purity works. Purity is a direction, you are either heading towards it or away from it. That's what Paul means when he says, "Flee from sexual immorality...(1 Corinthians 6:18)" and "Flee the evil desires of youth...(2 Timothy 2:22)". Flee means run... in a specific direction... away from immorality... towards purity.

I want to encourage you all to check out these passages and try to figure out for yourself the point Paul is trying to make. Then join us tomorrow night for Crash as we continue our series called The "S" Word and address the question "How Far Is Too Far?", looking at the idea of purity.

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