Sunday, November 14, 2010

The Best Feeling In The World... Sort Of

So today is not Thursday. I had Thursday off. Although we did have to reschedule the girls Crash Choices Camp-In, I will answer another couple personal questions based on a choice I made. The questions are these, "Do you believe in keeping your first kiss till you're married?" and, "Have you had your first kiss yet?"

To answer the second question, yes, I have had my first kiss. It was the spring of my 8th grade year and it was to Estre (yes, that's how she spelled it, and it was short for a longer name). I remember, I had liked her A LOT. She was pretty, she was smart and she was funny. We had been friends for all of my 8th grade year.

Well, one day I had roller-bladed to her house. We were hanging out in her dad's library/downstairs-living-room-area alone. I had liked her for a long time, and I finally had gotten the guts to talk to her about it. As we were talking I leaned in and kissed her, and she didn't pull back. So we kissed. shortly after that, I left. I remember rollerblading home (cause I roller-bladed everywhere in junior high) and I felt on top of the world. I felt like nothing could stop me. It was the best feeling in the world...sort of. It was until I later asked her what it meant and she told me it had meant nothing. See I thought we were boyfriend/girlfriend. Boy was I wrong. Once we got to high school, I found out she had started dating someone. I was crushed.

Which brings me to my answer about the first question. I believe that kissing is part of dating. It is a form of PDA (Public Displays of Affection) to show, well your affection. I do believe kisses should be saved. Kisses should be reserved for special people in your life, people you like more than a friend. It's not something you should give to everyone. In fact, the longer you wait, the better the kiss, the experience, the memory. Then there's real emotion and meaning behind it, then it's all the more special.

As I have said before, purity is a direction. If kissing someone is going to make you think and want to do more, then you totally should NOT do it. But if it's something you can do, to show affection and end it there, then maybe you should, I don't know. It's your choice. I think it's something you should talk to your parents about. See, it's all about the direction you are headed. Are you headed toward purity and guarding it, or not? It's your choice and I want to encourage you to choose purity.

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